A Curriculum Informed by the Catholic Faith

Direct Experience with the Natural World

A young person first comes to know the world through his five senses and develops a sense of wonder in the created order through real, lived experience. This interaction awakens the imagination and becomes the foundation for all future learning. Field trips and exploration of the natural world serve to instill in Chelsea students an appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation.
Introduction to the
“1000 Good Books”
Chelsea Academy aims to prepare its students for the Great Books by first immersing them in the “1000 Good Books” — the stories, fables, myths, plays, novels, and poetry that enliven the imagination and provide the cultural literacy for full participation in the intellectual life enjoyed by educated adults. Students read Homer, Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, Stevenson, and Tolstoy among others and sharpen their intellects by the regular practice of reading, writing, memorization, recitation, and discussion.
Dynamic, Knowledgeable Teachers

The best teaching awakens students to the world around them and inspires them to develop their full capacity as human beings. Chelsea teachers are chosen for their character, knowledge of their disciplines, commitment to excellent teaching, and dedication to the mission of the school. They serve as mentors whose lives are the embodiment of the ideals that Chelsea seeks to instill in its students.
A Balanced Curriculum
A liberal arts education differs from vocational or professional training insofar as its end is to free a person to realize his full potential for knowledge, wisdom, and virtue. Through an introduction to the humanities, mathematics, sciences, the arts, and athletics, Chelsea desires that its students discover and develop their talents in all areas.